Saturday, March 23, 2013


So, I really want to hear from you guys. I want to hear what you're thinking and I need some challenges to keep me going. I need a little more accountability to someone other than myself and ChickenCow, who cannot hold me accountable like you guys can. :)

I have a workout partner that I see on Mondays. I looooove working out with a friend cos its really motivating and keeps things interested. And we get to chat throughout. That's the bestest part. I really can't wait until it gets warmer and we can all start walking and hiking together. And Wednesday evenings when we can 'rent' bikes at Druid Hill Park for a small donation and ride them around the loop!

I made this sign awhile ago to keep me motivated. I think it needs a redesign, because I keep walking past it in my house and in my offices (work and home) and I barely look at it. If you think it's a recent picture in which I look skinnier, that's because I took it and photoshopped it a bit. There's this cool took I learned how to use. It took me several tries to get it "right", but it was a sloppy job. You can definitely tell if you look closely at the background behind me, like where the truck is on the right and the grass line on the right and left towards the middle of the photo. But anyways... the focus wasn't really on the background. The focus was on me. So I have something to look forward to.
So, what do you think? I want to know more about what keeps you guys motivated? What inspires you on your own paths? Whether that path is healthy living, building a business, or developing your career...whatever--I want to know what keeps you going.

By the way... if you think a photo edit like this might help you, I'd be happy to do some more photoshopping for friends. Just email me at kjlawless at gmail dot com!

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