About the Plan

Hi. My name is Kate and this is my blog. It's a place I keep my thoughts, but moreover, it's where I journal about my journey. Archives of this blog, dating 2012 and back, detail the struggles I've been through managing my overall health (diet and weight), stress/emotions, and finances as I attained a higher degree. However, starting January 30, 2013 and onward, I will be embarking on a journey that will never end. My ultimate goal for this journey? To become the type of person who is physically active every day, who eats like a Parisian (health, high-quality foods in small portions), who is presently mindful of her health and emotions, and who rewards herself with the little things upon a job well done.

Initially, I hope that this journey will result in me losing weight. I would like to say that I want to lose 100 pounds, which would put me at a healthy weight in the medically average range. I cannot say whether this will be entirely possible and will not hold myself to a certain goal that may be higher than I can reach. So, prompted from my doctor's advice, I will say for now that my goal is to lose 50 pounds initially and then maintain that weight for several months before continuing to lose any more weight.

Side effects of this journey should include a whole, balanced, more 'clean' diet with more veggies, fruits, and fish, but with less processed food, less meat and potentially less gluten. I also hope to be more mindful and develop a daily meditation practice as well as a daily exercise habit. Most of all, I hope to find or meet like-minded others who inspire and support me as I would them.

I hope to achieve these goals using a few important tools: Weight Watchers Plus eTools and meeting weigh-ins and YMCA gym's FitLinx program, motivational posters and signs, monthly meal plans, daily checklists, monthly and quarterly check points, and more. I will also reward myself along the way, initially every week, with things that I want or like, such as new purchases or beauty routines (mani/pedis, hair cuts/color, massages).

Success in this journey is paramount; it aligns with my purpose and should be self-evident once 'achieved'. I want my my physicians to give me a clean bill of health. I want to feel good about myself, my weight, and my body. And, I want to look good in awesome clothes. I will congratulate and reward myself when the weight is lost, but my pursuit of success will never end because I know that maintenance will always be necessary throughout my entire life.

So at last, I will leave you with my commitments to myself. I will:

  • Always work towards achieving my goals and/or maintaing their status.
  • Continue to collect or build an extensive arsenal of tools and resources to help me achieve my goals.
  • Pick myself up when I fall down and try again. 
  • Not exchange what I want most for what I want in the moment. 
  • Never give up.