Monday, September 10, 2012

I'm working on it...

Life has been a blur this past summer. There've been weddings, showers, moving, planning, work, work and more work. All along, I've had one main goal: to finally get settled at Dave's house and establish some sort of routine. I used to think of routine as boring. I wanted every day to be different than the day before. But these days, I find comfort in routine or at least the idea of having one, since I still don't have one.

This week, after weeks and weeks of wanting, I planned meals for the week on Sunday. I figured out what we'd need to have homemade (mostly) dinners (and for me, breakfasts and lunches) throughout the week. It feels like a huge accomplishment to have prepped so much in advance, and it's relieving to know that we can come home and easily and quickly feed ourselves somewhat healthy meals for dinner. Because there's a plan, we don't have to think about it too much. And we have everything we need, and some of it is even prepped for us (read: fresh veggies are chopped!)

Also relieving is that I've spent tonight completing the first portion of a task I've been dreading: going through paperwork. I've got a few piles of paperwork to actually do things with (like filing, paying bills, etc.), and another pile of items to go through (after awhile, you get into this state of "I don't know what to do anymore" and you have to put things aside for the next sorting session). It feels really nice to get to the bottom of the piles and know what I'm dealing with. And to get rid of so much. I hope I never keep this much paper EVER again. I mean, I trashed Christmas cards from 2009 tonight. Who needs all that taking up space? And not just physical space but mental space, too. I mean, every time I've looked at that one pile, I've just seen clutter I have to deal with. And then I go through and find cards from people I don't really know anymore. I guess I'm sentimental. I'm still keeping my graduation cards, though. Those are extra special.

Anyway, I'm digressing. The point is I'm getting back on track. From the last 4 years of my life, I'm cleaning up all the crap and putting it in nice compartments. No more clutter, mentally or physically. Let me explain that a little bit. I've got a TON of craft projects to get through. I'm a pretty crafty person, or so I'd like to think. I'm always saving random craft supplies (styrofoam, anyone? how about ribbons? gift tins? I think you get the picture...) because I think "Hey! I can use that for something!". Well, now that I have OH-SO-MUCH storage space in my office, I can finally put all those craft supplies in good order.

WHOA. Before you get all "If you haven't used it in x number of years, then you should get rid of it," I want to stop you. I realize that there's a possibility I won't get to all these projects...But, since I'm fresh out of 4 years of grad school, I want to give myself a chance to figure out how I want to spend my time. And until I figure it out, I'm keeping my supplies. When I realize I don't need something or won't use it, I'll get rid of it. Promise.  I mean, do you think I like moving all this stuff?? Hell no! But I will say....organizing is relaxing (even fun?!) for me. Strange, I know.

In all of my working, I feel I've neglected some other things. The first being my health. The second being some of my close friends! I feel terribly for this. I hope you all understand that I'm trying to achieve better balance, and I'm really sorry that I've said "no" to your requests to hang out lately. Generally, it's hard for me to say that about social obligations, but I've really needed to focus on getting my life settled. I have a feeling that once it is more settled (My office should be complete by this weekend! The house will be cleaned on Thursday! The basement will be cleaned out in good time, goes on!), I'll see you all more and make much more effort to do so.

I'm really looking forward to getting out more and seeing friends. But with that comes a certain pressure to spend money on food and drinks. I'm hoping I can curtail this urge because I really really shouldn't be spending too much money right now... so, if we can walk around the block or chill at your pad or something and keep it on the cheap, I'd appreciate it.

Another tid-bit: I'm also looking forward to getting back to my personal design projects. These will not only enhance my design experience and enjoyment, but they'll add to my portfolio and enhance my career. There are just so many things I really want to do! I just have to be better about planning them in between seeing my friends and day-to-day kinds of things. Like planning meals. And going to the gym. And making coffee in the morning. You know, the easy stuff some may take for granted.

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