Wednesday, January 30, 2013

On the brink of change, thank you.

Tonight, on the brink of change, I say goodbye forever to mindless eating and slovenly ways. May my future days contain whole and delicious foods in appropriate volumes, lots of physical activity, and a mindful presence!

For the past few days, my email has been inundated with all for your incredible messages of support!! Thank you!! I'm so excited to embark on this journey and love knowing you're right there with me. You guys really know how to make a girl feel loved. I'm totally and truly in awe of your support and am so glad to have found a few of you that are ready to ride! Hiking and biking are right on top of my list of activities to do this coming spring, so I'll be ready to take you all up on your outdoor offers when the time comes.

Last night, a good friend called to congratulate me on starting this journey and to give me my first challenge: to visit him and his wife and go hiking with them on the Appalachian Trail in Tennessee. I couldn't be more happy to take on this challenge because it coincides with one of my pre-established rewards. In mid-March/early April, once I achieve several weeks worth of food logging, workouts, journalling, etc., I should reach my 5% weight loss mark; this check-point goal will be rewarded by a trip to TN to visit the challengers!

Meanwhile, I still want a few more challenges. What have you got for me?? BRING IT. I'm ready to go.

PS - If I haven't responded to you yet, don't worry I will soon!

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